Warikan (割り勘 - Dutch Treat) Part 3

Sep 16, 2017 21:17
Today I'd like to introduce expressions for "warikan" (割り勘 - dutch treat) in various countries.

In Italy, it is called "alla romana," which translated into "to pay like people of Roma."

In Romania, it is called "plăti nemțește," which is tsanlated into "to pay by German style."

In China, a senior or a person who invite others usually pay the all amount.

However, it seems that recent young Chinese tend to split the bill, and it's called "AA-sei" (AA制 - Algebraic Average System).

Also, it's especially called "Japanese AA-sei" (日本式AA制) when they want to imply a stingy/petty impression.
割り勘 Part 3


イタリアでは「ローマ風に支払う」を意味する "alla romana" が使われます。

ルーマニアでは「ドイツ人式支払い」を意味する "plăti nemțește" が使われます。


しかし最近では学生を中心に、割り勘による支払いも増加しており、「AA制」("Algebraic Average System" の意)と呼ばれているようです。

No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • In China, a senior or a person who invite others usually pay the all amount.
  • In China, a senior or a person who invited others usually pays the full amount.
  • However, it seems that recent young Chinese tend to split the bill, and it's called "AA-sei" (AA制 - Algebraic Average System).
  • However, it seems that recently young Chinese tend to split the bill, and it's called "AA-sei" (AA制 - Algebraic Average System).
日本式AA制, really? Why not just use the Japanese word then? So childish)
Thank you so much always for correcting my post! :)
I don't know why, but they might wanted to give a minus image to Japan.
You're welcome!

>I don't know why, but they might wanted to give a minus image to Japan.

This only shows how thrifty at heart Japanese are.